Tegnebiennalen: Skissen
EIRIK SENJE - Entrecôte
Eirik Senje
My dear friends, cordially greeted interested parties, colleagues,
When we were young, life was careless and the world so immeasurably large. Kindness was everywhere, and all of us were blessed with innocent curiosity.
Now, it has come to my attention, that whomsoever creates, their creation always, in the end, exists because the body of the creator has some insufficiency that must be made up for. Vanity is the death of love.
And so I find myself swimming where the waters are deep. The eloquent expression of sentiment has always seemed to me a task best left to those who experience with fervor and some measure of joie-de-vivre, not to mention the dignity of one who suffers for a just cause. I am the disembodied voice of unequivocal design.
I sometimes recall how we were back then. How we would laugh, and together make light of many a difficult situation. There is nothing like visiting a graveyard when one is depressed. Nostalgia, the fictitious self-empowerment of the distraught over the present, repeating the same pattern expecting it to yield a different result. The end.
I remain, by your grace, sincerely and to a fault, kind regards,
etc., etc.,
Eirik Senje
My dear friends, cordially greeted interested parties, colleagues,
When we were young, life was careless and the world so immeasurably large. Kindness was everywhere, and all of us were blessed with innocent curiosity.
Now, it has come to my attention, that whomsoever creates, their creation always, in the end, exists because the body of the creator has some insufficiency that must be made up for. Vanity is the death of love.
And so I find myself swimming where the waters are deep. The eloquent expression of sentiment has always seemed to me a task best left to those who experience with fervor and some measure of joie-de-vivre, not to mention the dignity of one who suffers for a just cause. I am the disembodied voice of unequivocal design.
I sometimes recall how we were back then. How we would laugh, and together make light of many a difficult situation. There is nothing like visiting a graveyard when one is depressed. Nostalgia, the fictitious self-empowerment of the distraught over the present, repeating the same pattern expecting it to yield a different result. The end.
I remain, by your grace, sincerely and to a fault, kind regards,
etc., etc.,
Annethvert år arrangerer Tegnerforbundet Tegnebiennalen, en arena for visning og formidling av samtidskunst med forankring i tegning. Hver biennale har et eget tema,
og skifter med dette form, innhold og visningssteder. Første Tegnebiennale ble arrangert i 2002 og er i år et omfattende samarbeidsprosjekt med alle sine kunstnere,
gallerier og involverte. Tegnebiennalen 2016 har tema SKISSEN og er kuratert av kunstneren Elise Storsveen. Biennalen vil vise arbeider fra 51 kunstnere fordelt på 11 visningssteder, samt en autonom 12. utstilling; En kollektiv psykogeografisk guide til Oslo, kuratert inn som et helt prosjekt av de tre kunstnerne: Ottar Karlsen, Ida Madsen og Eirik Senje.
Tegnebiennalen 2016 presenteres som en tankehaug snarere enn en tankerekke. Her er ingen kronologi eller klar fortelling, ingen start eller slutt. Man kan begynne hvor som helst – se gjerne alle, eller bare noen av utstillingene. Biennalen viser selvsagt mye tegning på papir, men også andre teknikker som skulptur, tekstilarbeider og tresnitt. Alt innenfor rammen av temaet ‘skissen’.